Preparing your quilt
it's all about being square
It is important that your quilt top is as square as possible. This ensures that the top lays flat against the batting and backing, and reduces the chance for pleats and puckers. There are a few ticks to make sure that your quilt top is square. All of these can be performed by kd dids for a small fee.
The Quilt Top
Applying Borders
When applying your borders, lay your quilt out on a flat surface and measure three or more times along the length and width.
If the measurements differ, take the average of the three and cut your border to the exact length that you came up with.
Pin to the center of the quilt top and on each end, then continue pinning by cutting each distance in half with a pin to ensure that the border is sewn evenly to the top.
Secure Your Seams
Double check that all your seams are sewn fully, leaving no gaps.
Trim Your Threads
Excess threads can get caught and cause puckers and pleats. Go over the back of your quilt top carefully to make sure that threads are trimmed appropriately.
Press Seam Allowances
When pressing seam allowances, ensure that you can press them to leave the least amount of bulk possible. Bulk can cause issues with the machine and can cause stitch lines to become uneven.
Press the Quilt Top
After pressing the seam allowances, press the entire quilt top.
The Quilt Back
When piecing your quilt back together, trim off the selvage edges and use at least a 1/2” seam allowance. You can leave the selvage edges on the outside edges of the quilt backing.
Trim your backing so that it is 4-6” wider on each side so that it is a total of 8-10” larger than your quilt top.
Trim the backing so that it is straight and square. This ensure that it loads on the machine correctly and the quilt top sits squarely above it.
Make sure that you press the entire quilt backing.